
Welcome to the GovTech Academy.

A knowledge sharing platform for everyone interested in GovTech and digital transformation of government and delivery of better public services.

Find courses and resources and learn from over 50 years of Danish GovTech innovative leadership and get inspired on how to utilise digital technologies to better serve citizens and build future ready digital public service infrastructure.

The promise of

Digital government is a propeller for more accountable, effective and inclusive government institutions. Digitalisation thus has enormous potential to improve core government functions, contribute to more efficient and resilient public administration, and enhance citizen-centric services at all levels of government. Digital transformation of government plays a crucial role for the harnessing of society to handle the challenges of today and tomorrow including supporting the green transition and the building of more sustainable societies.

building resilient societies
through digitalisation

What is

We understand GovTech as a whole-of-government approach to public sector modernisation utilising innovative digital technologies to create a simple, efficient, and transparent government with the citizen at the centre.

The pillars of GovTech are vision, strategy and cross-governmental collaboration. And, GovTech is accompanied by a need for investments in digital infrastructure and for digital skills.

Furthermore, GovTech comprises private sector engagement and collaboration. GovTech has the potential to create new opportunities for small and medium-sized tech entreprises.

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The challenges
of GovTech

Digitalisation promises better public services and more resilient societies. But, there are no digital quick fixes and no one-size-fits-all solutions.

Turning the promises of digital solutions into tangible, measurable, and consistent outcomes remains challenging in most countries.

Every nation and its historical and cultural context is unique. Ultimately, a country's digital setup will have to reflect its political and administrative structure. There are no simple solutions. But there are common traits. It's about learning from each other across the globe to lift the bar and overcome challenges.

Denmark has throughout its digital journey addressed numerous challenges and is dedicated to share the insights and learnings gained.


We, at Digital Hub Denmark, have taken our learnings from 5 years of planning and hosting international GovTech delegations. And added the input from thought-leaders and practitioners behind some of Denmarks best-in-class digital public solutions. W
e have packaged it and made our experiences and insights available in a bite-size course format — easy to digest, share, and put into action.

Our curriculum covers the six central themes of Danish GovTech success:
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Course 1

Decoding Digital Denmark

Learn about Denmark's approach to public digitalisation and the governance that underpins it. Understand core elements of digital transformation covering national digital strategies and infrastructure, data governance, and joint national frameworks and tools.
Course 2

Integrating Local to National Strategies

Get insights into Denmark's multi-level approach to digital government and the strategies and frameworks supporting it. Get an in-depth understanding of how the national digital infrastructure facilitates digital governments at central, regional, and local levels.
Course 3

Citizen-centric Design

Learn about Denmark's citizen-centric approach to digital service and the strategies and policies launched to ensure access for all. Understand Denmark's approach to user experience, web accessibility, and digital inclusion and the tools developed to support it.
Course 4

Public-private Collaboration

Understand the central aspects of public-private collaboration and its role in driving digital transformation. Get insights into private-public partnerships, the interplay between the sectors, and mechanisms to secure transparency through efficient tender processes.
Course 5

Legislation and Public Digitisation

Discover the implications of digital-ready legislation for public workers and digital services for individuals and businesses. Understand how straightforward and unambiguous laws establish a solid basis for a thorough reduction of bureaucracy within the public sector.
Course 6

Smart Society

The Nordic countries are at the forefront of integrating financial services into the public sector, creating efficient, transparent, and human-centric digital societies. This 'Smart Society' model strengthens governance, engages citizens, and promotes both sustainability and inclusivity.

Denmark, a trusted learning partner for public digital transformation

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Digital government has been an embedded part of Denmark’s mindset for decades, as Denmark has more than 50 years experience with digitalisation of government and public service delivery.

Societies can gain significant benefits from the advantages offered by digitalization. Denmark has demonstrated how an efficient digital public sector is shaped through joint policies, focused initiatives, and effective tools that have established a robust public infrastructure, creating real value for citizens.

We've built the GovTech Academy to share experiences and learnings from driving public digital transformation, offering key insights from the decision-making processes and solutions built during Denmark's digital journey.

"The ambition behind the Academy is to offer a strong starting point for any digital transformation. By sharing our experiences and insights openly, we aim to inspire and foster a profound understanding of public digitalisation and the critical role GovTech plays for societal advancement and addressing global challenges."
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- Nicolaj Christensen, CEO Digital Hub Denmark